Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who's Who Vol.V: The Cadre (7/85)

And now for something completely different...

I've been debating on a Cadre spotlight for months. There's no way these chumps were getting into the Vile Menagerie, and they're not really Martian Manhunter characters. Yet, they are (if I recall correctly) the only super-team created specifically for the Detroit-Era Justice League. As with JLI and the JLTF, J'Onn J'Onzz is so associated with the team, it's difficult to disassociate their foes from him. Also, the Martian Manhunter is the only hero to confront Overmaster and his forces on all three of his visits to Earth (the initial JLD arc, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and the infamous "Judgment Day" crossover.) That ought to count for something.

While most of the Cadre belong in that dark place where truly wretched characters go to die, I kind of like Overmaster, and even more, the walking cliche that is Shatterfist. The dude punched a crowbar-- in half! This guy would have Powned Chuck Norris' Karate Kommandos. Word.


  1. Wow. I remember this group. Particularly Fastball, due to my dual love of baseball at the time. I remember wanting to like him.

    Not so much.

  2. Yeah, Fastball was only slightly less embarassing than-- um... wow, he's really, really embarassing, isn't he?

  3. It's true, I'm afraid. And this is coming from someone who champions Atom villains.

    I'm surprised more sports oriented characters didn't show up in various eras due to it's wavering popularity and attempts to get more people reading.

    I suppose it could have been worse. Those responsible could have been lacrosse fans.

  4. this was a...unique group of villains.

  5. ...For me to poop on!

    Sorry. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog flashback there...


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