Saturday, March 22, 2008

Art Adams Martian Manhunter Head Sketch (7/06)

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This has been an interesting week at the Idol-Head, as the blog itself went from record high daily viewing to a constant sharp decline headed straight into Easter. As I'm killing myself at work and off to visit kin who just switched from dial-up to non-connectivity, I'm having a hard time justifying any heavy lifting here this weekend. So again, I give hearty thanks to the Martian Manhunter Fotolog, from which I borrow another headshot sketch filler bunny. Arthur Adams is one of my favorite Manhunter from Mars artists, and the regular first column image I had here was by him (before I switched to the full body avatars.) This piece is something of an exception, what with those weird Spock ears and all, though the downturned collar helps make up for them.

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