Monday, April 27, 2009

fotolog highlights for jan - apr 2008

Not long after starting this blog, I received a message from a fellow under the alias "Zoiber," a Spanish "Detective Marciano" fan. Zoiber seems intent on collecting every Martian Manhunter image on the internet, and he was hoping it was okay with me if he started taking mine. I explained my belief that no one has the right to withhold a scan of a copyrighted image, so of course any of mine he cared for were fair game. Of course, a link is always nice, and bandwidth theft is just that, but you figure that goes without saying.

So anyway, Zoiber's been running an online catalog of these images since the start of 2007, and it just might be a bit of a task to get through them all, though I'm sure the process would be rewarding. I covered highlights for jan/feb 2007, mar/apr 2007, may/june 2007, july/aug/sep 2007, and oct/nov/dec 2007 so I figure it's about time I picked up with 2008...

Page scans from "Day of Judgment."
Page scans from "Countdown."
Page scans from "Countdown To Infinite Crisis #15."
"Countdown To Infinite Crisis #6."
"Countdown To Infinite Crisis #3."
Martian Manhunter & Aquaman Cosplay Gallery
Online Art Gallery
VS. CCG Card Art Gallery
Serafin Dibuja
Page scans from Catwoman #76
Page scans from Catwoman #77
Top Ten Enemies of Martian Manhunter #10-8
Top Ten Enemies of Martian Manhunter #7-2
Top Ten Enemies of Martian Manhunter #1
Page scans from Green Lantern Legacy:The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan HC
More page scans from Green Lantern Legacy:The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan HC

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