Thursday, October 8, 2009

2008 DC Comics Super Hero Collection #18 - Martian Manhunter Figurine in Box

DC Comics Super Hero Collection #18 - Martian Manhunter
The ultimate collection for comics fans, the DC Superhero Collection Figurine Magazine brings together DC Comics` greatest heroes and villains! Official figurines of the characters, both good and evil, are cast in lead, individually hand-painted and numbered to form an authentic collector`s edition. Each comes with a 20-page magazine providing detailed history and background on the featured characters, including exclusive images and interviews. Choose this month from Starfire (#17), the Martian Manhunter (#18), Hitman (#36), and Batgirl (#37).
U.S. Release Date: 10/28/2009

I finally received my order (at $11.20) for this collectible on Tuesday, which I assume arrived stateside earlier than scheduled-- roughly September. By my calculations, it would have originally been released in mid-December of last year in Europe. Blessedly, I'm a reader, so the unlikelihood of getting this package in anything resembling mint condition was never a concern for me. The twenty page (counting covers and ads) magazine-sized booklet shipped in a hand-taped polybag with the figurine, so enormous creases in the cardstock cover were to be expected. The heavy figurine (guesstimation: 20 oz.) is itself encased in a two piece sculpted plastic clamshell, then everything is taped together in an open-faced cardboard box.

In this post is a hasty digital photo I took of the complete package, then scans of the box. The top sports a modern DC Comics logo emitting gray light. Gray-white electrical currents cover the back and sides of the box, while the bottom includes copyright information and other relevant text in several languages.

This weekend, we'll further explore this collectible figure and magazine.


  1. I've been wondering about these magazines for a while. They certainly look intriguing. I'll be interested to see what the interiors look like and what you think of them!

  2. The "other" LCS in Greenville has a huge assortment of these things. But like everything else in his shop, it's overpriced.

    Dude, tell me you saw the REBELS Annual? One of the Vile Menagerie has a role in it which I did not see coming.

  3. I bought one of these lead figurines, too! Unfortunately, I'm a collector as well as a reader, and my magazine came pretty bent up. Oh well.

    I have quite a few of them. The magazines are short but very lovely. They're all sitting in their little clamshell boxes because I'm too afraid to take them out what with all the health warnings plastered all over the packaging.

  4. RE: REBELS-I saw that. I'm not sure what to think about it, but oh well, he's come back from worse.

    I bought the figurine, but once I got it open, I'm not sure I like the head sculpt. The pose and body are alright, but the head is a little to pointy and there's a bit too much grimace for my tastes. I also bought the Bane figurine, which I liked the sculpt of, but they painted his mask wrong. The magazine is fun, or at least as fun as a summary of a bunch of stories you likely own anyway can be.

    This is why I have credit card debt.

  5. This is why I have credit card debt.

    Add to that: no space in my room to walk.

  6. Luke, I have the annual on order, but won't receive it until next month. I'll visit a shop on Wednesday and give it a toss.

    The lead figurine is okay. Not much for the pose.


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