Saturday, October 10, 2009

2009 DC Comics Originals TS136450DCO Shelf Card

Click to Enlarge

Besides its being hit and miss on characters and kind of funky looking, I avoided buying the DC Comics Originals TS136450 DCCOMNT15 Turq T-Shirt because if I had, I'd never have gotten back in to Wall-Mart to photograph this novelty. It's a thin cardboard display intended to be slid into a clear plastic sheath to designate the shelf locations for these ugly shirts. I'd guesstimate it measured about 4" tall and about 7" across with a plain white back.

On a side note, sorry for another weekend of sparse posting and backdating. My new computer arrived in the mail on Saturday, and I struggled all weekend to transfer data from my antique (1999 build) to the shiny new model, in part because Windows Vista wanted nothing to do with any of my imaging programs. Thankfully, the girlfriend dug out her copy of Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 after 10 tonight, so I could finally edit some images to post. I'll be playing with whatever programs I can get my hands on, and recommendations are welcome. (Tom, if nothing else, I'll edit the scans I could recover on the old computer and forwared them to you a.s.a.p....)

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