Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2010 The Martian Manhunter Archives Volume 7 Fan Mock-Up Cover by Tom Hartley

Written by J. M. DeMatteis, Gerard Jones, Mark Verheiden and Keith Giffen; art by Mark Badger, Eduardo Barreto, Ken Steacy, Tim Gula and others; cover by Jerry Ordway and Ty Templeton
As the seventh hardcover edition in the impressive Martian Manhunter Archives collection, this masterpiece features the work of some of the finest contributors to the Sleuth from Outer Space's world. When the Martian deity of fire H'ronmeer appears on Earth, secrets spanning the Manhunter's history could stand revealed, if the "god" isn't just a manifestation of J'Onn J'Onzz's fracturing psyche. The answer to that question haunts the Martian Manhunter, as he debates whether he will continue as a hero. Then, flash back to John Jones' early detective career in the late 1950s, as the Manhunter confronts a global conspiracy. Reprints MARTIAN MANHUNTER (1988 mini-series) #1-4, MARTIAN MANHUNTER: AMERICAN SECRETS #1-3, SECRET ORIGINS #35 and material from JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL #3
  • Archive Editions
  • 288pg.
  • Color
  • Hardcover
  • $49.95 US
  • ISBN 156389740

Okay, Tom worked his usual magic, and I slapped together solicitation copy based on JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA ARCHIVES VOL. 7 and most especially WILL EISNER'S THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES VOL. 7. The air is getting pretty then at this volume, as Martian Manhunter has outstripped all of his contemporaries, and is now among the rarefied circles of Superman, Jack Cole Plastic Man, Eisner and DC's greatest teams (the JLA, JSA and the Legion.)

1 comment:

  1. I've read all of these stories included in this edition. That makes me very happy. :)


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