Monday, April 18, 2011

2011 Cosplay: Aigue-Marine as Miss Martian [M'gann Morzz]

Click To Enlarge

Aigue-Marine is French for aquamarine, and the name of a lovely German cosplayer who has really nailed the look of Miss Martian. For me, it's all in the smile and the reserve, but good make-up (especially careful choice of lipstick) never hurts...

After a long cosplay winter break I'm finally back and able to present something new! This picture shows me wearing my latest costume - Miss Martian from the cartoon series Young Justice. ♥

I decided to cosplay this character rather spontaneously when I had to stop working on my Luna Lovegood costume due to ordered material still missing.
Besides a few things the outfit is completely made out of left-over fabrics. It was easy to sew and quickly finished.

The most difficult part about Miss Martian was the green make-up/body paint. To make my legs look green I put on green tights. For both my arms and my face I used professional stage make-up. (Eulenspiegel Schminkfarben)
It took about 45 minutes to apply the body paint. Surprisingly it didn't rub off on my clothes or something.

Wow! The leggings matched the skin tone so well, I totally missed that!

Click To Enlarge "YJ: Let Me Read Your Mind."

I'm trying to get M'gann M'orzz's Miss Martian Monday back on the schedule, especially since the cartoon has generated plenty of material online to draw from, and I think this starts it off very nicely...


  1. The hair color is perfect, and the freckles make the whole look for me. Very cute! And the green is so natural-looking. Her eyes are gorgeous. I wonder if those are contacts or are her eyes really that color?

  2. Contacts, and freckles = adorable. Maybe Pat Gleason was on to something...

  3. that is fantastic! a great combo of the right looking young lady (cute as Hell!)along with some great make up and costume fabrication. aside from that Young Justice is a great show!

  4. Another great thing about Miss Martian: total girl next door. Somehow, even dykey Cassie Sandsmark became a sterotypical "babe," but M'gann is still sweet, accessible, and cosplayable without developing a complex.

  5. Couldn't agree more with the comments here. The costume is dead-on, the make-up, hair, freckles, etc. But what really makes this work is the girl herself. She's cute as a button while being sexy in a girl-next-door sort of way.

    Great cosplay!

    The Irredeemable Shag

  6. Indeed she has portrayed M'gann most beautifully. And the attention to the freckles and all make it a superb presentation. I too agree that the leggings matched the make-up wonderfully. Now if we can only get her across the pond to join me as J'Onn at DragonCon we'll give D*C quite a show. Yes, it me KalEl NC Sean who has portrayed J'Onn for the last two years at D*C. Great write up Diabolu.

  7. That would be awesome! Of course, speaking of future cosplaying, any plans to try out a Brightest Day or DCnU variant costume?

  8. Well I may consider in the future doing a cross between the two. For instance, use my current chest piece/belt and cape and combine it with a black jump suit and black boots so that I only have to do up my head and hands. Somewhat along the lines of the Young Justice. It would certainly make my life a lot easier. :-)P


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