Wednesday, April 16, 2014

February 4, 2014 The Funnies strip by Mike Heneghan & Kody Peters

Click To Expand to Complete Strip

I'm not sure that I 100% get the joke, but I definitely like the strip.


  1. -Is Martian Manhunter sad that he's Martian Manhunter?

    ...that is pretty funny.

  2. I've been staring at this for almost a minute and I don't really get the joke, either. Maybe it refers to another strip? At least I get the Cyclops one, and I can take solace in that.

    BTW Twins is an epic 80's movie of my childhood, so I appreciate that.

    King, did you see the other three panels?

  3. I assume that, bored and depressed, J'Onn is going to see if experimenting with his sexuality helps. Not seeing the humor in all that desperate misery, but the art is nice.


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