Friday, September 18, 2009

2009 The Martian Manhunter Archives Volume 1 Fan Mock-Up Back Cover by Tom Hartley

I've been promising Tom I'd post this for ages, and I wanted him to get at least a solid 24 hours for his efforts. Now, I'm confident my weekend posting will be screwed, so he'll likely get at least 48 hours before I can return and back post to fill-in for my absence. It's a very professional job, just like his front cover, so I hope ya'll dig it 'til I get back.


  1. Thanks for posting this. Sorry it had to be 4 Batman covers, but (of course!) J'Onn had no cover appearances during his entire 8 1/2 year, 102 issue run in Detective Comics -- not even a head-shot in one of the upper or lower corners. In fact, these are the only 4 covers that even mention the Manhunter from Mars feature (which, at least, made it easy to pick a back-four).

  2. Have you checked your Yahoo account? I sent you some more stuff.


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