Sunday, January 20, 2013
VM vs. LoD v1.5
Ever since a reader suggestion for March Madness back in 2011, we've been having fun with elimination contests determined by popular vote. After two years of the Martian Manhunter rogues fighting one another, I figured it was time to shake things up a bit. After all, few of these characters have appeared more than once ever, and virtually none have seen any changes in the last several years, so there's a finite number of variables to play with. As part of the blog's fifth anniversary celebration, I announced The Vile Menagerie versus the Legions of Doom to allow Alien Atlas adversaries to build their reputations by battling new nefarious opponents. However, I also wanted to use SurVILEvor Island to determine who truly belonged in the Martian Manhunter's rogues gallery, before turning around and siccing them on the greater DC Universe of bad guys. Juggling both wasn't working out, and I wanted to wrap SurVILEvor Island before the end of the year, so "Legions of Doom" went on the backburner. 2013 promises to be very villain centric, and that begins this weekend, with a new season of bloodsport. Still, how about a look back at our prior clashes?
I do agree that some competition helps in thinking outside of the box. So, I look forward to seeing how all this turns out.