vile ('vîl)
1: morally despicable.2: physically repulsive.
3: degrading, ignominious.
menagerie (me-'na-je-ré)
1: a collection of wild animals, especially for exhibition.2: the place where such animals are kept.
3: an unusual and varied group.
The Menagerie Census
- B'enn B'urnzz
- The B'ool Sporath
- B'rett
- Bel Juz
- Bette Noir
- Cay'an
- Commander Blanx
- The Conjurer
- The Devil Men of Pluto
- Diabolu the Wizard
- Doctor Samedi
- Doctor Trap
- Doomsday
- The Dreaded General Faceless (see: Mr. V)
- Gammeron The General (see: Dreaded General)
- The Headmaster
- The Human Falcon
- The Human Squirrel
- The Hyperclan
- Inflict
- The Invaders from the Space Warp
- Korge, the Last Angry God
- The Lizard Men The Magician-Thief (see: Martian Criminal, The)
- The Martian Criminal The Martian Marauders (see: S'tor &...)
- The Marshal (Soldiers of the Red Brotherhood)
- Malefic / Ma'alefa'ak
- The Master Gardener of Mars
- The Mercurian
- Mr. Moth
- Mr. V (A.K.A. "Faceless")
- Mongul
- Monty Moran: The Getaway King / Getaway Mastermind
- N'or Cott
- Nemesus
- The Osprey
- Porto
- Professor Arnold Hugo
- The Prophet
- The Pyre
- Re's Eda
- Rio Ferdinand
- S'tor & The Martian Marauders
- S'vor
- The Saturnian Criminal
- The Swarm
- Thantos, the 3-In-1 Man
- The Thythen
- TOR, the Robot Criminal of Mars
- The Trickster
- Triumph
- Tybalt Bak'sar
- Vandal Savage
- Vulkor, the Capsule Master
- Wiley Dalbert
The Falcon (see: Human Falcon, The)
The Diabolu Idol-Head The Hyperclan
Middletown's Most Wanted
The Others
Spotlight Exhibits
- B'rett
- Bel Juz
- Commander Blanx
- Ma'alefa'ak
- Mr. V
- Professor Arnold Hugo
- Vandal Savage
SurVILEvor Island:
Readers vote villains into & out of the Martian Manhunter Rogues GalleryThe Vile Menagerie versus the Legions of Doom:
Readers vote in contests between members of the Martian Manhunter Rogues Gallery and villains from the greater DC Universe.The Vile Corpus: Villains that elude the gallery
Current as of: 9/6/2016
Shouldn't Korge, from JLofA #115, be in the list?
ReplyDeleteHe should, but I haven't gotten around to writing his biography yet. This list is a work in progress, and unfortunately, even 4 1/2 years haven't yielded a Korge entry yet. Sooner than later, though.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't have much of a biography, unless he's made a second appearance that I know nothing about. If he hasn't, I'd be happy to write it up for you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood golly, if there's that much Korge love, I'll step up and supply! :)
ReplyDeleteI just love the way he talked; shouting everything in three-word intervals, like a drunken William Shatner.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I had an artist in mind for a Korge commission this year, but the guy was so evasive in his quote that I gave up on him. Still, the prospect got me to scan the image for a VM entry, and now I only need to reread the book and write it up.