Saturday, May 19, 2012

B'enn B'urnzz @ Comic Vine

Like many (most?) of you, my introduction to the lion's share of the Martian Manhunter's Silver Age rogues gallery came from his first Showcase Presents volume. I owned most of his House of Mystery run, but those later issues were dominated by Diabolu Idol-Head monsters of the month, Vulture shenanigans, and the occasional (awesome) Professor Arnold Hugo extravaganza. I only knew B'rett from second hand recollections, and the Human Flame became a "thing" around that time thanks to Final Crisis. Scipio had a field day with the zany characters like Mister Moth and Humans Falcon and Squirrel, but B'enn B'urnzz fell through all those cracks. I familiarized myself enough with the character to add him to the Vile Menagerie barely into the blog's second year, but he didn't strike a chord with me, and I tended to neglect him.

B'urnzz showed his staying power around here during March Madness 2012, where he tore through competition with a ferocity I never would have imagined from his early defeat in 2011. I decided to reward him (and his fans) with a commission next week, and needed better reference than what I'd cobbled together in 2008. I figured while I was at it, I'd write him a new biography for Comic Vine. He already had a wiki entry there, which listed basics like his first appearance and powers. However, there was no art, and his entire synopsis was a single line like "Martian criminal hiding out on Earth," or near to that. I hope folks like the new image, and the punchy "all meat, no filler" history. He's no Mr. V, but I'm coming around to this guy...


LissBirds said...

Silver Age representation on Comic Vine...I'm all for it.

Diabolu Frank said...

Up to a point. I'd rather not see my new commission of the guy show up there after I post it here.