Mike Nasser was the single most influential Martian Manhunter artist of the 1970s, and one of the most important in the character's history. Nasser brought back J'onn J'onzz's original alien look, designed the "Manhunter from Mars" logo, and helped popularize the obscure hero through a late decade serial in Adventure Comics. The rechristened Michael Netzer has also been a friend and benefactor to this Martian Manhunter blog, gifting it with free artwork (including our distinctive banner.) In his honor, we present a comprehensive link list of the blog's output related to his work, accompanied by art remastered by Tom Hartley.
Original Art Showcase
- 1976 Mike Nasser/Terry Austin World's Finest Pin-Up
- 1977 J'onn J'onzz Disapproving Convention Sketch
- 1979 J'onn J'onzz Convention Sketch
- 1980 Whizzard Fanzine Cover Art by Michael Nasser and Terry Austin
- 2004 Hawkgirl, J'Onn J'Onzz & Hawkman Convention Sketch
- 2007 "The Idol-Head Of Diabolu, A Blog For J'Onn J'Onzz" Banner
- 2008 "Take Me... But Don't Kill J'Onn" (Art for and discussion related to Michael Netzer's internet crusade to save Martian Manhunter from murder in Final Crisis.
- 2008 Martian Manhunter and the Atom (Ryan Choi) Art
- 2008 Martian Manhunter and the Atom (Ray Palmer) Art
- 2008 Aquaman & Martian Manhunter Preliminary Sketch
- 2008 Martian Manhunter, Aquaman & Atom Art
- 2009 "J'onn J'onzz R.I.P." Pin-Up
- 2009 "December of Despero" Pin-Up
- 2010 Martian Manhunter Commission by Michael Netzer & Joe Rubinstein
- 2010 FBCC Sketches | Martian Manhunter
Comics Coverage
- Martian Manhunter in the 1970's (Our index featuring a Nasser illustration)
- Adventure Comics #449: "Mission: Catch A Killer"
- Adventure Comics #450: "Return To Destiny"
- Adventure Comics #451: "The Suspects"
- World's Finest Comics #245: "Today Mars, Tomorrow... The Universe"
Martian Manhunter related Co-Creations
Fan Fiction
2010 The Martian Manhunter Archives Volume 6 Fan Mock-Ups by Tom Hartley- "Cover" by Nasser (isolation of image from Adventure Comics #451's splash page)
- "Create-Your-Own Back Cover" (Discusses absence of actual Nasser/Netzer comic book covers)
- "Introduction" (Hartley considers Nasser's contributions)
- "Table of Contents" (I offer my own views)
"What Would Michael Netzer Do?"
(How things might have played out if Netzer's campaign to save J'Onn had ended with his drawing scripts for then-current DC writers.)
- Michael Netzer Makes My Day (Noting the artist's series of comments on posts for my fledgling blog.)
- The Naked Artist: Comic Book Legends (2007) (Referencing Nasser & Manhunter's mentions in the Bryan Talbot gossip/anecdote book.)
- A Banner Day! (A discussion of the banner Netzer created for this blog.)
- The Atomic Bomb (A consideration of the pin-ups Netzer created for several blogs during is campaign, especially Atom: The Tiny Titan's.
- Super Powers/Super Friends (A consideration of the pin-ups Netzer created for several blogs during is campaign, especially The Aquaman Shrine's.
- The Slings & Arrows Comic Guide on Martian Manhunter (2003) (Excerpts from critical reviews of Nasser's Manhunter from Mars)
- The Brow & Michael Netzer: A Question from Tom Hartley (The story behind the 1970s revitalization)
it took me a while to get through all those links but it was well worth it.
Them pictures sure are purty...
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