vile ('vîl)
1: morally despicable.2: physically repulsive.
3: degrading, ignominious.
menagerie (me-'na-je-ré)
1: a collection of wild animals, especially for exhibition.2: the place where such animals are kept.
3: an unusual and varied group.
The Menagerie Census
- B'enn B'urnzz
- The B'ool Sporath
- B'rett
- Bel Juz
- Bette Noir
- Cay'an
- Commander Blanx
- The Conjurer
- The Devil Men of Pluto
- Diabolu the Wizard
- Doctor Samedi
- Doctor Trap
- Doomsday
- The Dreaded General Faceless (see: Mr. V)
- Gammeron The General (see: Dreaded General)
- The Headmaster
- The Human Falcon
- The Human Squirrel
- The Hyperclan
- Inflict
- The Invaders from the Space Warp
- Korge, the Last Angry God
- The Lizard Men The Magician-Thief (see: Martian Criminal, The)
- The Martian Criminal The Martian Marauders (see: S'tor &...)
- The Marshal (Soldiers of the Red Brotherhood)
- Malefic / Ma'alefa'ak
- The Master Gardener of Mars
- The Mercurian
- Mr. Moth
- Mr. V (A.K.A. "Faceless")
- Mongul
- Monty Moran: The Getaway King / Getaway Mastermind
- N'or Cott
- Nemesus
- The Osprey
- Porto
- Professor Arnold Hugo
- The Prophet
- The Pyre
- Re's Eda
- Rio Ferdinand
- S'tor & The Martian Marauders
- S'vor
- The Saturnian Criminal
- The Swarm
- Thantos, the 3-In-1 Man
- The Thythen
- TOR, the Robot Criminal of Mars
- The Trickster
- Triumph
- Tybalt Bak'sar
- Vandal Savage
- Vulkor, the Capsule Master
- Wiley Dalbert
The Falcon (see: Human Falcon, The)
The Diabolu Idol-Head The Hyperclan
Middletown's Most Wanted
The Others
Spotlight Exhibits
- B'rett
- Bel Juz
- Commander Blanx
- Ma'alefa'ak
- Mr. V
- Professor Arnold Hugo
- Vandal Savage
SurVILEvor Island:
Readers vote villains into & out of the Martian Manhunter Rogues GalleryThe Vile Menagerie versus the Legions of Doom:
Readers vote in contests between members of the Martian Manhunter Rogues Gallery and villains from the greater DC Universe.The Vile Corpus: Villains that elude the gallery
Current as of: 9/6/2016
Shouldn't Korge, from JLofA #115, be in the list?
He should, but I haven't gotten around to writing his biography yet. This list is a work in progress, and unfortunately, even 4 1/2 years haven't yielded a Korge entry yet. Sooner than later, though.
He doesn't have much of a biography, unless he's made a second appearance that I know nothing about. If he hasn't, I'd be happy to write it up for you.
Good golly, if there's that much Korge love, I'll step up and supply! :)
I just love the way he talked; shouting everything in three-word intervals, like a drunken William Shatner.
You know, I had an artist in mind for a Korge commission this year, but the guy was so evasive in his quote that I gave up on him. Still, the prospect got me to scan the image for a VM entry, and now I only need to reread the book and write it up.
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