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Marty Salsman is clearly a Martian Manhunter fan, as his art has turned up
on the blog before, a piece that he's
since colored. Salsman even co-produced seven pages of a John Jones story, “Searching in the Dark,” linked below. Salsman was published in the SDCC convention book on J'onn J'onzz's 50th birthday, and he showed it off
here, but I felt such an involved piece for such an auspicious occasion deserved a larger presentation. Note the cameo by Lil' Archie, who was also turning 50, so I'm not so sure the descriptive should have still applied.
"One of the truly unsung heroes of the DC universe, he's been around since 1955 predating the Silver-Age by just one year. I'm truly heartbroken DC has decided to kill off this character. On a brighter note the young writer and fellow deviantART member Dahila Mockery(give her a shout, she's done a great job) and myself have decided to pay tribute to this awesome DC hero! Set in the mid-1950's before he's even met any other super-heroes, he was a detective for the police and a private investigator par excellant. Page 1 of 15 of our story, I hope you like it. A colorized version will follow soon."
“Searching in the Dark”