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"Something terrible has transpired in outer space! But how can Batman stop the rampage of J'Onn J'Onzz all by himself?!?!? Pete Woods drew this for my brother at the ECCC 2011. My brother loves the giant Martian battle-fist and the Martian vision on display here. Thanks, Pete!"
So of course Martian Vision manages to go around Batman's head at point blank range. 'Cuz he's da Batman! Or in my mental version, choosy astronauts choose Jell-O Batman Chocolate Pudding.
The next panel of this is Batman orbiting Saturn from the Martian punch. He miraculously survives and is saved by J'emm, who helps him brink J'onn back to his senses. A good laugh is had by all.
"So of course Martian Vision manages to go around Batman's head at point blank range." Bahaha!
In my version, J'onn teases him with some more Martian vision to see the Dark Knight feel some terror for a change, then gets bored and snaps Batman in half.
Wow, playing Half Life 2 is making me really violent these days...
I guess it's best that I didn't mention that tentacle, then.
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