Monday, October 1, 2012

...on the 31st day, we rested...

It's been five years and one month of The Idol-Head of Diabolu, and I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired. Actually, I strongly suspect you're pooped, too. As of this Monday, I haven't gotten a comment on a post since last Monday's. While I'm proud of the quality and heft of the individual posts that made up our anniversary month, it took a lot out of me to write. I've visited sites and blogs whose output eventually swelled to the point that I didn't have the stamina to read them anymore, and I'd rather that didn't happen here. We'll probably launch into Halloween on the Menagerie Isle tomorrow, but for today, take a breather and maybe peruse the previous month's links...


will_in_chicago said...

Frank, I have been busy this past week, so I have not been saying much. However, I thought the quality of the posts have been great.

Diabolu Frank said...

Thanks! Of course, I'm still whipped and trolling my queue for whatwever crap I can throw out for tonight... :)