Earlier this month, the Irredeemable Shag sent us a Martian Manhunter Family Cosplay photo from his trip to this year's Dragon*Con, one of the biggest comic and costume aficionado conventions on planet Earth (they've nothing on PlutoCon 96473, of course.) As is our way, we follow up on that peek with multiple blog crossover galleries. It's been half a decade. You know how we roll.
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Multiple M'gann M'orzz Miss Martian Meeting! M'Orr?
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The Box Hero Corps works from a premise I can't quite grasp of making uncomfortable looking costumes out of materials off the back of a UPS truck designed to resemble small toys. I guess I'm square that way. They look cool though, and there's a Martian Manhunter on board!
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Here's a picture with the Magnificent Seven Justice League of Professional Movers!
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Here's J'Onn giving Cyborg the stink-eye for taking his slot as a founding member of the League.
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Here's Cyborg screwing around on his iPhone instead of heroing-up. I bet he can't even get a signal on his crapware.
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Here's Victor Stone pounding on J'Onn's shoulder over a rude reference to his do-rag, while Aquaman punches J'Onzz in the back of the head for something he muttered under his breath about Arthur selling his son out for popularity! Aquaman has very acute hearing from living underwater. Plastic Man, meanwhile, is doing something lewd off-panel, as usual.
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Here's Firestorm the Nuclear Man standing close to a fellow hero with a well known aversion to open flames. Even Cyborg thinks that's inconsiderate. What a douche bag.
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And here's the gentleman with the fine taste to not only cosplay as the Manhunter from Mars, but to add a Box Hero Atom to his shoulder as well. Also, praise for hopefully having a sense of humor about my mocking him lovingly. That is the most badass hobo armor ever, and I must commend the attention to details like the belt buckle and the 300 polygon brow. I'm proud for the creator of this suit, and commend them on a job well done.
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The picture at the top of the post featured KalEl NC Sean in his newly revised Brightest Day Martian Manhunter costume. I assume he loaned his belt/straps to Alcide the Boyhunter of Bon Temps above. If you'd like more of KalEl NC Sean, visit Power of the Atom at the link below. If you'd like more of The Most Interesting Manhunter Alive here, google "Gay Bear."
Thanks to the Irredeemable Shag for sharing his hundreds of pictures, and the Superhero Costuming Forum for arranging the shoot.
Dragon*Con 2012 Cosplay Galleries by Shag Matthews
- DC Cosplay Obscura @ DC Bloodlines
- Aquaman @ The Aquaman Shrine
- The Atom @ Power of the Atom
- Black Canary @ Girls Gone Geek
- Booster Gold @ BOO$TERRIFIC
- Doctor Fate @ Tower of Fate
- Doom Patrol @ My Greatest Adventure #80
- Firestorm the Nuclear Man @ Firestorm Fan
- The Flash @ Speed Force
- Hawkman & Hawkgirl @ Being Carter Hall
- Martian Manhunter @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- The Vixen and Zatanna @ Justice League Detroit
- Wonder Woman @ Diana Prince
Thanks to these pictures, Frank, I am now hoping for a live-action JUSTICE LEAGUE movie starring talented Hollywood stars dressed as box heroes. Now I can't wait for Jon Hamm's Superman and Javier Bardem's Martian Manhunter without being distracted by their handsome features and haunting eyes.
Wait-- was that sarcasm? Golly gosh darn, the internet is like an expert poker player in its inscrutability!
It was sarcastic-ish... but seriously, I would take a LEGO JUSTICE LEAGUE movie! I would take a Bollywood JUSTICE LEAGUE movie! I would take a JUSTICE LEAGUE episode of "Glee"!
I really like the box hero idea...visually, it looks great, though I can't imagine walking around in that. I could easily see costumed box heroes at a theme park.
The comments about Cyborg made me laugh out loud.
Good to see a little Atom there, too.
Hey, I would take a Lego Justice League movie any day. I bet that would be adorable.
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