One of the key elements in BRIGHTEST DAY beyond returning characters like Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, is the introduction of entire new heroes, villains and worlds as well. Just as we’ve built a bigger universe of characters around Green Lantern with Atrocitus, Larfleeze and Indigo, we’re all busy at work turning our attention on adding heroes, villains and worlds within the rest of the DC Universe.
In the coming weeks in BRIGHTEST DAY, you’ll meet a new alien killer who will become J’onn J’onzz’s greatest enemy, a world where Hawkman and Hawkgirl will discover a great secret about their past, the mysterious and deadly Siren and a young hero who’s about to get world wide exposure this fall beyond comics – the all-new Aqualad.
When our YOUNG JUSTICE animated series for Cartoon Network was announced a few weeks ago (who ever thought we’d see an animated Miss Martian?! AW YEAH!) a lot of people asked who the new Aqualad was. And a lot of people thought they’d have to wait for the show to start. But you won’t...
Geoff Johns goes on about the new Aqualad, the Young Justice cartoon and more at The Source blog post I partially quoted above. I think it's great the I have a new bad guy coming up to add to the Vile Menagerie, but claims he'll be the "greatest" crack me up. Speaking as a former die hard Wonder Woman fan, I can recall how each creative team would announce their intention to create Diana's great new arch-enemy, only to see that character forgotten as soon as the next team came in. Any fans of Red Panzer, Dr. Cyber, the White Magician, Dark Angel, Devastation, Veronica Cale or Genocide out there? Meanwhile, I'm supposed to expect anyone to top Commander Blanx eradicating all life on Mars, Malefic killing every living Martian but J'Onn, or even Libra killing J'Onzz for a year or so there... Wait. Oh no. Is a third guy going to kill Mars? I'm not just talking about the reclamation effort J'Onn's been up to lately, but yet another retcon? I'm also unsure how to read "alien killer." Is this the pale creature who may or may not be a White Martian who killed "her" family in Brightest Day, or will there be some new (Earthling?) character who kills aliens? That second one would be metatextually topical, come to think of it. Well, it's all speculation at this point, but worth sharing, no?
Also worth sharing: my enjoyment of DC Bloodlines. I can't tell you how good it feels when a team blogger like Anj from Supergirl Comic Box Commentary gets excited by the opportunity to write about something else altogether, like My Love Affair With The Doom Patrol and How Keith Giffen Makes Me Smile. Instead of killing myself to write something on a weary Friday, I can just kick back and enjoy his work, or one of Tom Hartley's Justice League International Archive Editions, and so on. It's also nice to have a place to rant about Arsenal: The Rise of Villainy, or write a synopsis for lesser known guys I love like Steel or Captain Comet. Admittedly, arguably extraneous blogs like Bloodlines and Power of the Atom have hurt the quality of my work here in recent months. I'm sure there was a groan or two in the previous paragraph when I promised more slow coming Vile Menagerie material. It's tough and time consuming to build new blogs, and more so an audience for them, up from scratch. Still, I've been working behind the scenes to line all the blogs up to work symbiotically, and having great contributors helping out has been a blessing. What I'm saying is, if I'm having a slow week here at the Idol-Head, I'm doing my best, but you might follow up on any suspicions of hooky by checking out the effort going into these other blogs. Bloodlines in particular regularly links to a host of DC-related posts and news articles which are already helping the Idol-Head stay abreast of daily goings on ahead of the pack, and exposed to material I'd never find otherwise. Ultimately, I'm working toward better blogging across the board, and I remain open to contributions from readers like yourself, so give us a spin, won't you?
J'Onn's worst enemies have been writers.
Now there's a top 10+ list I could compile...
I think Tom's hit the nail on the head when it comes to J'onn's worst enemies...
I keep meaning to head over to Bloodlines and keep forgetting and/or remembering when it's the middle of the night. I've got to fix that soon.
This Ryak guy seems kind of interesting, though. Maybe he'll make it in the Top 25 of the Vile Menagerie.
"Is a third guy going to kill Mars?" Y'know, J'onn's probably going to build Mars back and then a third guy probably IS going to kill Mars. I bet that's what's going to happen...
Now that Ryan Choi is dead, I guess Ryak the Renegade would be up for grabs...
Oh, Ryak.
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