The Martian Manhunter, Hawkman and Hawkgirl flew over Metropolis. "This way, Carter. There. As Detective John Jones, my sources are reliable, but not always within the law. And they don't always know I'm reading their minds. Be careful. If Toyman is there, he'll be sure to have defenses... We'll reconnect later at the emergency rendezvous. It may be the only place safe from Grodd's control... Be careful. I saw images of Earth's apocalypse when I looked in Grodd's mind. There is a conspiracy here. But I sense more than that." J'Onn left the Hawks to their pursuit of the villain who nearly killed them while destroying the Midway City Museum they curated. As far as their later meeting place, "I just hope Superman's there to unlock the door."
Meanwhile, Gorilla Grodd was revealed to be part of a triumvirate within the Legion of Doom, including Brainiac and Lex Luthor, who were secretly calling the shots. It was the Super-Gorilla who had telepathically planted the nightmare which motivated the other scoundrels to action. Grodd also appeared to be orchestrating the attacks on Earth's heroes while his fellows pursued other angles...
Continue the story through these character-specific posts:
- Batman & more at Justice League Detroit
- The Atom, Hawks and Red Tornado at Power of the Atom
- Wonder Woman at Diana Prince
- Captain Marvel, Superman & Green Lantern at DC Bloodlines
Biggest beef with Justice...
J'onn could totally lift the key and open the stupid door.
Y'think? I can't recall any non-Kryptonians who could do it, but I'm not a big pre-Crisis Superman fan in practice.
My biggest beef, besides the massive logic gaps, is that Martian Manhunter is once again "our" modern version, where most of the heroes are clearly in Bronze Age/Super Friends/Alex Ross' Saturday morning childhood fetish mode. Sequal?
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