I know two things about HeroClix's gameplay, and the first is "jack." However, I'm perfectly of cutting and pasting some stats for those who do, and offering a link to a comprehensive evaluation.
#AA054 U Despero
Team: No Affiliation
Range: 6
Points: 88
Speed - PSIONICS: Mind Control and Telekinesis
Attack - DANGEROUS GAME: Psychic Blast. Power Action, choose a target opposing figure, 6 or fewer swquares away, LOF required. Move that character to any unoccupied clear square 8 or fewer squares away, LOF required.
Damage - TYRANT: Leadership and Outwit
The short version is that the Silver/Bronze Age HeroClix is "super rare." He's much slower than Despero the Reborn, and his attacking power is obviously diminished. He's got the glass jaw one would expect of a villain once defeated by Snapper Carr, but his telekinesis can get nasty, and mind control doesn't hurt. Until recently, via time-travel, this incarnation of Despero routinely worked alone. In the game, he seems better suited as a supporting player than a point man, so I guess you might as well bring in Per Degaton and the Ultra-Humanite. Alternately, the review offered a combo of Py'tar Despero and old school flavor, which would make a pretty happening comic book story, as well.
The only thing that would make that chess board with the seven founding JLofA members as pieces cooler? The Atom lying in wait...
That miniature chess board is the coolest evar!
And for the record, I'm a bigger fan of Despero the Reborn. Probably because I came up during the JLD time period.
The Irredeemable Shag
"Despero the Reborn" as in the version specific to the JLD? I hear you, brother Shag. I like all the Desperos, but "Reborn" was the best balance between the two extremes, not to mention the greatest and most impressive threat.
Maybe I don't have my terminology down properly. I'm thinking the Despero that first appeared in JLD and then popped up in JLI. With the mohawk fin (rather than side-to-side fin).
I'm not 100% versed in the character, so maybe there are multiple incarnations within that description. Regardless, I like him big, powerful, and kicking butt.
The Irredeemable Shag
There's no canonized terminology Shag, which is why I sought the clarification. "Reborn" could apply to either the version from the JLD arc (when scrawny coronal fin Despero was reborn as mohawked barbarian Despero, and first used the term) or the JLI arc (when the fetal Despero regrew into the really hateful Despero who lacked a peener.) I draw a distinction between the two because of their differences in build, attire and powers (specifically transmutation and animation.) Both are scary as hell, but I miss the more cerebral quality 1986 Despero had versus the 1990 version.
Off the top of my head, we've had:
1) Original flavor Silver Age
1a) Bronze flavor, who was essentially the same, but far more bloodthirsty.
2) Py'tar version (1986ish)
3) The Hater (1990-1993ish)
4) L-Ron (1994ish-1997ish)
5) Disembodied Spirit Despero
6) The Hater Returns (2003-Present)
An argument could also be made that the current variant Despero dates back to the Superman/Batman arc where he got pants and more bestial appendages, but at heart I figure he's still basically the Hater. Also, time-traveler Despero is out there somewhere, but I figure he's still the Silver/Bronze variety.
Thanks for the clarification. I guess I like both the Py'tar and Hater versions. The L-Ron version was really embarrassing.
The Irredeemable Shag
Did you read Justice League Task Force? I hated the idea of L-Ron turning Despero into the Savage Dragon, but it was actually written quite well, and thankfully only lasted a couple of years.
Yeah, I read JLTF. It just wasn't really my thing.
While I loved the concept (even the matching X-Men/Avengers-like 90s jackets), I just didn't like the comic itself.
The Irredeemable Shag
Didn't you once say you were a fan of the Bob Harras "Gathering" Avengers? Me, too! Can't like 'em all, though.
Yeah, I love the Gathering/Crossing-era of Avengers. It's dis-affectionately called the "Brown Jacket Era" nowadays. It was really the Avengers equivalent of the JLD. That's probably why I liked it. I always seem to latch onto the quirky, underdog teams. Maybe that's why I still like Primal Force too.
The Irredeemable Shag
Many of my attempts to redesign Martian Manhunter's costume were clearly derived from Steve Epting's criminally unappreciated and entirely too short-lived take on the Vision. When Perez went back to Bucema's comparatively clunky original costume, I wanted to see Vision shed another android tear.
I missed this conversation thanks to the holidays, but better late than never:
I rather liked Desper-ron.
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