I don't know if this was drawn in 2001, or even for sure that it was drawn by Bruce Timm. I don't get the feeling Timm has any special regard for the Martian Manhunter, and I know he has no use for dating his artwork. All I do know is that this piece was done for the Cartoon Network Justice League show, and that it was reasonably early on. It's a great image, and one of the few with the Alien Atlas I could use for today's theme.
Bruce Timm Bits
- Nightshade and the Question animation concept art @ Power of the Atom
- The Huntress moon color art @ DC Bloodlines
- Wonder Woman Flying color pin-up @ Diana Prince
- The Vixen animation concept art @ Justice League Detroit
Going by Superman and Wonder Woman's cheekbones, it was probably done before 2003, before season 2.
Dang dude, that's forensic cartoonography there. If you're 100% behind 2003, I'll change the date.
Wow...those are some pretty impressive forensic skills. The best I can do is know that it was pre-JLU given John's hair and lack of beard.
Also, I reall love the lighting in this piece.
They also changed his green tone. Flash became a bit bulkier. They were all changed for JLU but those changes are harder to spot.
Does anyone have special regard for Martian Manhunter? He's just a poor man's stand-in for Superman, minus anything remotely interesting like a supporting cast or reason to exist.
I'll acknowledge your opinion while pointing out the six years worth of daily posts on the blog you're looking at devoted to a special regard for Martian Manhunter. Why don't you walk into a synagogue and ask "isn't this just Christianity without the Jesus." Um, no. Don't let the door hit you where your gentile lord split you.
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