Alter Ego: Mike Hanson
Occupation: Police Officer
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Middletown Police Department
Base of Operations: Middletown, U.S.A.
First Appearance: Detective Comics # 272 (October, 1959)
Height: Approx. 6'2"
Weight: Approx. 230 lbs.
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Black
When Willie Harper swore revenge on John Jones after being given a ten year prison sentence, Captain Harding decided Middletown's best detective needed a body guard. Patrolman Mike Hanson, "the strongest man on the force," was assigned to protect Jones night and day until Willie's gang was caught. Hanson proceeded to sample Jones' food for poison, lurk on his fire escape, and tenaciously interfere with Jones' ability to use his secret Martian powers.
Within days, a series of attempts were made on Jones' life, and though Hanson was valiant, he only survived due to Jones' using the distraction of death traps to invisibly effect rescues as the Martian Manhunter. The attempts led Hanson and Jones to the gang's hideout, which the officer insisted on raiding alone. Despite his natural confidence and perceived effectiveness, Hanson recognized that he might be in over his head when the remaining gang members fell on him, but emerged unscathed with invisible Martian assistance. Hanson congratulated himself on a job well done, and was pleased with his service to Detective Jones.
Powers & Weapons:
Patrolman Hanson is a normal human of exceptional strength. Even though he was an officer in a major metropolis, Hanson was not depicted as carrying a firearm, and simply made do with whatever tools were available to him when situations would arise.
Quote: "No, sir-- I'm not leaving you alone!"
Created by Jack Miller and Joe Certa
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