Upon first arriving at the con, I repeatedly stalked through artist alley, specifically looking for Johnson. Since he was my "big ticket" artist in terms of price and there was potential cause for concern that he might fill up his commission list early, I felt the need to address whether I was going to work with him or not as soon as possible. Once I saw the reverend and fellow guest/commission prospect Andrew Robinson had settled into an endcap booth, I zeroed in. I knew Johnson was going to cost me $300, and I was hesitant to spend that kind of money on one piece. Still, I've been a fan for nearly twenty years, and my girlfriend egged me on. It also didn't hurt that a sweet Nick Fury commission that I'd seen online and built my expectations around was right there in his portfolio.
Johnson seems to be kind of quiet, surprisingly. I goofed with his business representative a little as he took down my information, but it was a somewhat sober transaction altogether. Johnson was busy working on a nifty Iron Man sketch, and later I'd get to see his Lobster Johnson (no relation presumably, and no euphemism certainly.) The man slings good ink though, as you can plainly see!
I'd also wanted to get a black & white Andrew Robinson B'rett, since his spaghetti western-meets-punk rock seemed ideally suited for the attitude of the gunslinging yellow-skinned Martian crook. Even going in though, I realized that after having to cut my con budget, it would be unlikely. I confirmed from his quote sign that it would run $250, which was too rich for my blood, so I had to move on. I needed to leave the con a bit early, but I got a text from Johnson's rep that he'd finished, and ended up indulging in a preview thanks to the instant gratification generator that is Twitter. Johnson also tweeted a preliminary sketch, so it's cool to see his process. I got back to the booth the next morning to claim my piece. Like Joplin and her Mercedes Benz, my friends already had one, so I had to make amends! We both have a Kevin Maguire, but Anj's still up on me by a Chaykin. Curses the fates! I will have satisfaction, sir! You want to know my favorite thing about Johnson's take on the New 52 J'Onn J'Onzz? Despite the spookier look, he's still a friendly face who totally has a stash of Chocos. Truth.

I think this is a great piece conveying some of the majesty of J'Onn. I also think these is some nice nuanced rendering here to give it some depth and heft, something I feel is missing a bit from my piece.
Thia is a great piece, Frank. J'Onn seems to radiate [power and confidence but not cockiness. He seems ready for what is ahead of him.
In some sad news for fans of Mars, Ray Bradbury has passed away at the age of 91: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/06/author-ray-bradbury-dies-at-91-daughter-says.html
You may also like some quotes from Ray Bradbury -- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/06/ray-bradbury-quotes-rip_n_1574183.html?ref=topbar#s1062881
That is a great piece.
I love the angle on this, and the posture. Like will said, confidence without cockiness. I'm just not a fan of the DCnU costume.
Oh, Ray...my favorite author of all time. We have him (and Burroughs) to thank for our notions of Mars.
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