Episode #10

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As part of the sixth seasonal Super Blog Team-Up's theme of top ten lists, Frank offers an audio synopsis of the series of essays The Ten Most Important Martian Manhunter Adversaries from 2010, which has held up pretty well these past four years since nothing much ever happens to the Alien Atlas, even during a line wide reboot. The "new kid" on this particular block debuted in 1998, and how many foes of the New 52 Manhunter can you name, anyway?

- DC Bloodlines Podcast #1: The Top 10 Bloodlines Characters
- Between The Pages: Top 10 Wackiest DC Comics Covers
- The SuperHero Satellite: Top 10 DC Comics Titles That Ended Before Their Time
- Longbox Graveyard: Top 10 Super-Dogs
- Legion Of Super-Bloggers: Legion Who's Who Top Ten!
- The Marvel Superheroes Podcast: Top 10 Avengers (An Age of Ultron Tie-In)
- The Unspoken Decade: Top 10 Avengers Moments
- In My Not So Humble Opinion: Top 10 Avengers Sketches
- Chasing Amazing: Top 10 Favorite Moments Of The "Chase"
- Bronze Age Babies: The Top 10 Bronze Age Characters
- Too Dangerous For A Girl!: Ten Best Super-Heroic Hairstyles
- Mystery V-Log: Top 10 Avengers Covers
- Flodo’s Page: Top 10 Green Lantern Ring-Slings ...That Don’t Appear In Modern Continuity
- Vic Sage Via The Retroist: Top Ten Comic Character Deaths
- I’m The Gun: The 10 Best All-Star Squadron Covers!
- Mystery V-Log: Top 10 Avengers Covers
- Fantastiverse: Top 10 Avengers Greatest Super Battles
- #SuperBlogTeamUp
- Tweet host Diabolu Frank directly, or probe @rolledspine as a group.
- Email Diabolu
- If the main Idol-Head of Diabolu blog isn't your thing, try the umbrella Rolled Spine Podcasts.
Your blog roll intro cracked me up! Never thought I'd hear my blog title read 'in the style' of a 'Macho' Man.
Very informative podcast, MM has a deeper rogues gallery than I ever would have thought.
Good stuff!
I was one of those who thought Despero might be a little higher on the list. Maybe I am swayed by the amount of coverage he has had here.
I am convinced Blanx is going to be 'The Commander' on the SUpergirl show. So at some point I might need to pick your brain about his character.
Can I get an honorable mention for Mongul?I consider Mongul to be a J'Onn villain given the history of that character in DC Comics Presents. I know he has morphed into Superman foe. But I like the idea of Mongul and J'Onn having backstory.
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