Monday, March 3, 2025

The Vile Menagerie: MONSTER-MAN

Alter Ego: Joe
Occupation: Henchman
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Vulture
Base of Operations: United States
First Appearance: House of Mystery #166 (April, 1967)
Height: Approx. 9'-10'
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Dirty Blond

Once, Vulture developed a molecular-ray that could temporarily transform normal men into hulking man-monsters. The most highly visible subject was an agent simply called Joe, who used his new power to rip open an armored car with his bare hands. Mr. V sought to make the process permanent, and scientists at one of his international labs developed a cylinder that could potentially do the job. However, authorities were aware of the Monster-Man's crime spree and Vulture's plot, so they were on high alert to intercept the cylinder when it entered the United States. Mr. V paid the globe-trotting playboy Marco Xavier for the task, as he would be above suspicion. However, the real Marco Xavier was presumed deceased, and his identity assumed in recent months by the Manhunter from Mars.

The Sleuth from Outer Space raided the hideout where "Xavier" had taken the cylinder, but soon determined that this was but one safehouse, not the location where Vulture was keeping the ray. The Alien Atlas traded blows with Monster-Man for a bit, then feigned defeat in a bid to follow the Vulture agents back to their true headquarters. The plan was wrecked when the Manhunter's former partner Zook crashed the scene, and when his own powers faltered before Monster-Man, the Manhunter blew his ruse to save his other-dimensional pet. Just then the ray wore off, leaving Joe just another Vulture bum taking a concussion nap until the police arrived. Manhunter did eventually find the base, and destroyed the molecular-ray before any more Monster-Men could be produced.

Monster-Man displayed incredible strength and durability, especially to Zook's deep freeze power. Yet, it wasn't seemingly in the same class as the Alien Atlas, who easily overcame Monster-Man when so inclined.

The Monster-Man is a limited time offer of undefined length, and will swiftly and spontaneously fade once its charge dissipates.

Quote: "I'll take care of this little monkey!"

Created by Jack Miller and Joe Certa

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