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...Meanwhile, at DC Bloodlines... The Super-Court judges Marshal Kirovan Kafka... The sorceress Zatanna breaks the 4th Wall... Geo-Force walls off a country... Dr. Fate comes original...Beo-Wulf ain't just for Lit class...
Why does the name "Phil Hester" sound so familiar?
Yet when I look him up there's nothing of his that I've read.
Oh well.
oh i like this! i like the simplicity of it combined with the bold style line work.
Note to self: Good commissions by great artists like Phil Hester, who did my Mr. V piece, get almost immediate comments. Not so hot pieces I pay way too much for by guys nobody has ever heard of? Not so much...
Another great commission by Phil for another member of Just-us League of Dubuque. We love to keep Phil busy.
Wait, wait... I don't see Cyborg on this lineup! WHERE'S CYBORG?!?!?!
Seriously, though, terrific sketch of the ultimate JLA lineup!
I watched Phil draw this at the local shop a few years ago....it was impressive both then and now. Phil has worked on both Green Arrow and Green Hornet (with Kevin Smith writing), Nightwing for DC (both the covers and the interior work) and many books for Top Cow publications. He is currently working on the Godzilla series. You can check out the entire list of his work on comic book database:
One of the nicest guys in the business.
I've said it before and will do so again: I'll happily make a Phil Hester commission an annual tradition if he comes back to Houston. Any suggestions of subject?
Frank, maybe something with characters in the DC Universe powerful enough to stand up to the Man of Steel. Some days, I think DC writers try to make Superman, to paraphrase Richard Pryor in a conversation with Margot Kidder, into Super-Duper- Pooper Man.
Green Hornet!
That's where I heard of him.
His style is a nice blend of realistic with a little touch of cartoony and I like that.
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