I really like alexmax multi-character showcases, as evidenced by their being featured spread across my blogs once or twice. Unfortunately without any Miss Martian or Gypsy or Roh Kar or anybody else related to the Martian Manhunter, I'm stuck turning to a fairly modest foe for inclusion in today's showpieces. He isn't even in the Vile Menagerie, and it isn't even October...
"This is the first time I include a couple of characters that aren't necessarily heroic, but they aren't exactly villians either, they just work on their own best interests...
Anyways, here is a rundown on what I was thinking when I was making them...
Lobo: This is one of those characters where it seems that no two artists draw him exactly the same way. I tried to do my own version, which to be honest is a pretty straightfoward version of Lobo :doh:."
- Hawkman @ Power of the Atom
- The Question @ DC Bloodlines
- Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark @ Diana Prince
- Zatanna @ Justice League Detroit
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