"Justice League pencils done for my portfolio. Battlin’ the ever annoying Starro the Conqueror. Ah, such an awesome, angry, giant starfish from space."Featuring Brightest Day Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, the Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern Hal Jordan in New York. I seriously jacked up the contrast to make the piece pop at 400px, so you need to click the link to see the unspoiled detail of the piece.
Craig C. Cermak II
- 2011 Silver Age Atom color art @ Power of the Atom
- 2007 Captain Comet inkwash @ DC Bloodlines
- “Death of Wonder Woman” @ Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman
- 2010 Elongated Man @ Justice League Detroit
I wonder if there is room in the New 52 for creatures like Starro? I would say yes if we can have talking gorillas and dolphins with advanced technology.
We already got Starro the Barbarian on the tail end of the DC Old, so there's even a way to make a giant starfish a rawkin' badace.
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