After Mars was rendered uninhabitable, J’onn J’onzz returned to his people to help lead the survivors on an inhospitable, barren new world dubbed Mars II. Hardly a Garden of Bhok to begin with, things could only get worse with the arrival of the serpent Ma’alefa’ak…Miss Martian was horrified by the pure massacre before her. Someone had to be controlling J'Onn J'Onzz's friends and family to do harm to one another. While attempting to fend off the surprisingly furious attack of the usually passive Jemm, Son of Saturn, M'gann reached out telepathically for the passingly familiar mind of the Manhunter from Mars...

Princess Cha'rissa was a true warrior, favored to take most comers in any contest. Yet, she was also Saturnian royalty, unaccustomed to the hardships faced by the survivors of Mars II on a daily basis. Between her armor and her training with the Soldiers of the Red Brotherhood, Hunter Commander J'en outmaneuvered and blasted Cha'rissa with unexpected ease. Scanning the area, J'en spied numerous contests between combatants both unknown and known all too well...
Futureman hunted Martians in the year 2062, but typically lone ones with the help of a troop of fellow officers. N'or Cott wasn't some cowardly criminal, but an enforcer of the law of Mars once entrusted to take down the Alien Atlas himself. Not only was Futureman human-- but N'or Cott made him bleed! Crimson stained Futureman's helmet as N'or stripped him of his special Anti-Martian Multi-Weapon. J'en had no immediate qualms with N'or Cott, and ran past, more concerned with the fighting overhead...

Distracted by her psychic search, Miss Martian was struck by a devastating beam of power projected by the jewel upon Jemm's brow. In freefall, she saw the curious sight of a Martian male in shortpants who appeared to have a swan sitting on his head. Well below, wind blew through the decorative mane on the helm of Re's Eda from the propulsion of Roh Kar's jetpack. The militant Martian suffered a handicap through his limited powers on Mars II, which the First Lawman of Mars overcame through technology. The largely grounded Re's Eda was forced to deflect ray gun blasts with his sword, but that carried him only so far, and the one that got through his defenses finished him.
Hunter Commander J'en watched an under-dressed green girl with a passing resemblance to Bel Juz fall from the sky, only to slow her descent and fire beams from her eyes at a Red Saturnian that pursued her through the air. If only J'en could soar so unaided. The revere nearly cost her, as a laser blast clipped her helmet. Roh Kar wasn't familiar with the fellow officer of Martian law, and seemed to be firing on anyone in sight. However, N'or Cott was the law on Mars II, and he had the perfect range weapon to enforce it on this vigilante do-gooder well out of any self-appointed jurisdiction...
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Her-Who-Must-Be-Served most assuredly had been served. Dazed, she murmured, "mutilated lips give a kiss on the wrist..." before fainting to land roughly on the amber sand. Bel Juz, the "laughing lady living lover" as she had been called by the hermaphroditic "queen" of the Daals took a naughty peek at the curiously equipped alien. "Ooo, you sassy frassy lassie." Moving on, K'hym J'Onzz had her mother on her back, and was repeatedly thrusting her spade-shaped hand into M'yri'ah's chest cavity. Bel pleaded, "Please calm it down. Everything is turning a sticky reddish-brown." M'yri'ah disciplined her daughter with the back of her comically enlarged but highly effective fist. "Take my hand you ugly girl!" The wife of J'Onn J'Onzz then turned her gaze toward the harlot Bel Juz, who had the gall to question her parenting. When her stunned daughter gathered her senses, K'hym was forced to contemplate which of these Martian women to attack next...
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While Jemm recovered from the fire he'd been forced to smother on his cape, Miss Martian turned invisible, buying her time to survey the battlefield with her eyes and reach for distant worlds with her mind. The armored figure M'gann had seen sprinting earlier was nowhere to be seen, and the familial tragedy unfolding broke M'orzz's heart. This was partially her undoing, as Jemm's empathic abilities sensed the unrest in M'gann's soul, and once his power reserves had a chance to rebuild, a broad spectrum energy blast would be enough to end Miss Martian...
Sha'sheen J'onzz ensnared M'rynn J'onzz with her own contorted, serpentine body before attempting to literally bite his head off. Sha'sheen had been a manhunter, and her husband merely an academic. However, his strength lay in his brains, which connected to his bride's. She exclaimed, "Worm like tips of tentacles expanding in my mind!" Meanwhile, T'omm J'onzz retained a smidgen of his youthful innocence and drive to be good like his big brother, but Grandmother horrified and disgusted the lad. She had accepted the destruction of Mars as H'ronmeer's will, and believed only through the fire would true rebirth come. Spotting his parents in mortal combat, T'omm raced to tear them apart. Grandmother's eyes began to smolder, literally, locked on her family's struggle as a curse burned on her lips...

Miss Martian thought that she had finally located J'Onn J'Onzz's psyche, but instead was telepathically molested. Ma’alefa’ak could not bear to be far from the J'Onzztown Massacre he had instigated, relishing his family cutting one another down. "I licked my brain in silence. Rather squeeze your head instead..." Miss Martian's defenses were down, and Jemm was poised to strike when fire from a Martian hunter spaceship gave him pause. Hunter Commander J'en was an excellent pilot, and commanded the means to even the odds against this dangerous duo...
Maxwell Lord vs. King Faraday...now this is getting really hard.....
I Fought The Law, and the Law Won! (5 votes)
Roh Kar 4 (80%)
N'or Cott 1 (20%)
The Other Women! (8 votes)
M'yri'ah J'Onzz 2 (25%)
Bel Juz 5 (62%)
K'hym J'Onzz 1 (12%)
Keeping Up With The J'onzzes! (7 votes)
Sha'sheen J'onzz 1 (14%)
Grandmother J'onzz 1 (14%)
M'rynn J'onzz 1 (14%)
T'omm J'onzz 4 (57%)
What's Red & Green & Blown All Over? (9 votes)
Jemm, Son of Saturn 1 (11%)
Miss Martian 8 (88%)
Hunter Commander J'en 0 (0%)
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