Friday, March 1, 2013

Ma'alefa'ak's Ma'ar'chh Ma'adn'ezz

In 2012, the second annual March Madness-style single elimination contest amidst the villains of the Martian Manhunter’s rogues gallery was held. As the last monster standing, Despero decreed that the contest had ended for good. Instead, Despero instituted SurVILEvor Island (in which the merits of participants of previous Marches were weighed to determine their continued role in The Vile Menagerie) and a series of singular combat rows with The Legions of Doom (to show the Manhunter rogues’ relative strength against the broader realm of DC Comics’ super-villains.)

However, J’Onn J’Onzz’s evil twin brother Ma’alefa’ak was displeased by these changes, and petitioned the all-powerful cosmic buttinsky The Interferer for recompense. After all, it was Ma’alefa’ak who (admittedly benefiting from some “voting irregularities”) conquered all in the first Martian March Madness, and it was one of his acolytes who suggested the contest in the first place. The Interferor was initially unswayed, until Ma’alefa’ak suggested an alternative contest—one that would strike deep at the heart of the Sleuth from Outer Space. Instead of his foes, the dearest comrades of the Martian would be pitted against one another in gruesome, unrestrained fights to the death that would spill blood upon locations with special meaning to the Alien Atlas. So begins Ma’alefa’ak’s Ma’ar’rchh Ma’adnezz, and H’ronmeer help us all…


LissBirds said...

Battle of the allies? I like it! I'm psyched!

Omega Agent1 said...

Liss, you and me too. Let's go mad.