Sunday, February 2, 2025

2015 The Cobra-Beast Space City Comic Con Jam Sketch Detail by Mark Nasso

As I work through the bottleneck of my comic art commissions, some of these lengthy deferrals make zero sense to me, this one being a prime example. I had an encyclopedia entry for The Cobra-Beast written in 2014, a year before I got this art, using that entry's image as the artist's reference. Speaking of, I've gotten a bunch of stuff from Mark Nasso, so he's not one of those unattributable creators that I can't track down. Even though I couldn't find it tonight, I'm confident I have a scanned jpeg of this portion somewhere, it's on an unpublished draft life of un-posted art, and I started drafting this post on 9/27/2018. Finally, while there are still contributions to this jam that do fall under some of these categories, this was one of the first such large scale collaborations that was finished years ago, so I've had plenty of time to track down the details. I guess my sorry excuse is that the pencil parts didn't 100% photocopy? Gah-- I suck.

So here's a new scan taken directly from the original art (though I did leave the bag on it.) I used to see Mark at most local comic shows, but even before COVID, Houston cons started to stink so bad that it was easy to stop going. On the rare instances when I reaffirm that bias personally, I haven't seen him around. But a lot of the guys I used to get pieces from have drifted away. Probably sitting on their stuff for a decade doesn't help.

Mark Nasso

1 comment:

Kevin from New Orleans said...

I'm going to have to re-read my showcase presents M. M. books , because I don't remember this one!