Again, Miss Martian triumphs through versatility. Most conventional super-heroines, including her obvious inspiration Supergirl, make problematic translations into cutesy Japanese styling. M'gann M'orzz is a total natural...
"I told myself that I shouldn't overdo the DC art and take a break from it for a while (wanna balance out my gallery with other interests of mine) but I just had to do another Miss Martian pic! I've got 2 more DC related pics queued up but don't know when they'll get done. The theme from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya's first season comes to mind when I think of her character."
Just in the few weeks since I drafted this post, the artist decided to change the background from solid pink to white sans shadow with pale twin "M"s. I like it when my borrowing of art inadvertently preserves a now unavailable variation.
Miss Martian works in the anime style because she rocks the cuteness and not the badassery.
That adorable wrinkled skirt is making it really hard for me not to like her.
Adorable to the N-th degree!
The Irredeemable Shag
All this cuteness on your blog, of all places, Frank, is giving me hope that a Cuteness Revolution will soon take place in the DCU. The Superpets have their own solo series...Stephanie Brown and Miss Martian create their own league, The Legion of Cute. Bruce Wayne runs a series of Gotham animal shelters.
Do you know how many comics I would buy if cute fluffy animals were in them?!
See, I have no expectations of Miss Martian. She can just be cute. Hell, she can look like she has a deformation. Still works.
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