I do not own this commission, but I saw it being drawn while at Comicpalooza 2011. My first reaction was to ask, "Who's getting that?!?" It made for a nice opening to explain that I ran a Martian Manhunter blog, and was interested in getting a related piece of my own. It was late in the day though, I think around 3:50, so Pitarra put me on his "tentative" list. I definitely wanted a piece of that action, but I do wonder how the recipient reacted to the piece. If I recall correctly, Pitarra said the guy had simply asked for J'Onn J'Onzz to shapeshift into "something," but I bet he never imagined a bowl of fruit. I love how gonzo this is!
Yeah, that's awesomely insane. Great stuff!
Nice piece of art!
I liked his work on Astonishing Tales a year or two ago.
That is both disturbing and impressive...
Freaky and pretty cool too. I really need to spend more money on commissions at conventions.
Just don't forget to send any Manhunter related ones my way. ;)
Thanks for posting this man! It was a fun commission...he definitely wasn't expecting fruit. Ha!
Thank me? Thank you for taking the picture! It was killing me to know this was out in the world and not have access to it for the blog! :)
By the way, the one you did for me goes up on Tuesday...
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