Friday, September 6, 2024

2015 Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues #1289: Martian Manhunter and The Mighty Thor

Martian Manhunter and Thor in "Battle for the Bifrost!"
To show how long I've been absentee/coasting, it's been nearly a decade since I shamelessly recycled one of Ross' blogging efforts just to make my quota on a daily. Which means I had plenty to choose from, but this was a favorite.


Anonymous said...

Hi Frank,

Like you I'm a long time DC who's interest in new DC comics has waned a long time ago. I've been engaging with my DC interest by making up timelines of what I think the DC universe would look like if I take some of favorite stories and interactions into account in a manageable flow of time.

This is one I worked out for Martian Manhunter. A big assumption with this one is that the three Justice League eras are the Satellite League, the Justice League International and the Watchtower League. I've skipped the Happy Harbor era and the Detroit League not because I don't like them but because if I'm condensing 50 years into 15 something has to get cut. So I've Martian Manhunter arriving on the scene the same time as the other main heroes, but earning his reputation in Australia instead of America and he doesn't join the league until after a version of the Legends storyline.

This seems like the sort of thing you'd get a kick out of so I thought I'd share with you. You've got one of my favorite, if not my actual favorite, fan blogs.

God Bless,


Diabolu Frank said...

Thanks Allan! It's pretty lengthy, but I'll check it out...