Monday, September 9, 2024

The Fake Manhunter from Mars Comic Series & Other Entertaining Fabrications

As an advocate for the Alien Atlas, I sometimes like to just imagine a world where the character could have supported his own ongoing solo series for decades, rather than largely disappearing from comics in the late 1960s, and mostly subsisting since by joining team books for the rest of his career. I piece together preexisting art to create "covers" for nonexistent books that I then "summarize..."

  1. The All-Stars #120 (August-September, 1961)
  2. The Boy All-Stars #1 (April, 1963)
  3. John Jones: Manhunter From Mars #100 (Sept.-Oct. 1968)
  4. The Manhunter From Mars #105 (Sept.-Oct. 1969)
  5. The Manhunter From Mars #106 (Nov.-Dec. 1969)
  6. Manhunter from Mars #125 (February 1973)
  7. The Martian Manhunter #150 (Winter 1976)
  8. Manhunter from Mars #161 (December, 1977)
  9. Manhunter from Mars #175 (February, 1979)
  10. Limited Collectors' Edition #C-61 ([March] 1979)
  11. Manhunter from Mars #199 (February 1981)
  12. Manhunter from Mars #200 (March 1981)
  13. Manhunter from Mars #201 (April 1981)
  14. Manhunter from Mars Annual #1 (1984) Part 1, Part 2
  15. Manhunter from Mars #250 (May 1985)
  16. Manhunter from Mars Annual #2 (1985)
  17. The Best of DC #74 (July, 1986)
  18. Manhunter from Mars #300 (July, 1989)
  19. The Manhunter from Mars Annual #7 (1990)
  20. Manhunter from Mars #350 (September, 1993)
  21. Manhunter from Mars Annual #12 (1995)
  22. The Manhunter from Mars Annual #14 (1997)
  23. Manhunter from Mars #400 (November, 1997)
  24. Surf and Turf #4 (9/08)
  25. 2012 Martian Manhunter Super Spectacular #2 Mock-Up
  26. 2012 New 52 Wave 3 Martian Manhunter #1!
  27. 2013 New 52 Villain’s Month: Malefic #1!

I've also goofed off in other ways, like constructing the The Manhunter from Mars Filmation-style limited animation intro/theme, or coming up with a solicitation catalog for the years 1999 and 2021 featuring more alternate universe Sleuth from Outer Space projects...

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