Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Conjurer convention head sketch inked by Kevin Conrad

This is another piece long lost in the shuffle. Although Antoine Mayes's pencil sketches for Porto augmented Herbie Rivera's original contribution with thoughts of his various assumed identities, I didn't love having a single character in a jam solely rendered in graphite. In truth, I have to fight myself not to get most pencil sketches inked, I love that solid comic book line so much. I enjoyed Kevin Conrad's inks on McFarlane Spawn comics, so he seemed like a good fit for the Image-style work of Shane Davis. That said, the when and where is fuzzy. It had to be after 2016, because I just employed ugly high contrast to use Davis' art for Who's Who in Martian Manhunter, and I got enough pictures at this same show to not recall having the inks done, so I lean toward HeroesCon 2017? All I know is that it took me way too long to finish this jam, but you should finally see everyone's combined efforts by month's end...

1 comment:

Kevin from New Orleans said...

I want to see him, Alex Dunster & Marco Xavier in a room together .