The Diabolu Idol-Head
Debut: 2000
Nemesis: Martian Manhunter
Other Major Foes: Zook
Appearances: 13+ comics
Powers: Contains countless monsters which it can summon on full moons.
Bio: The wizard Diabolu created the Idol-Head to cause destruction against the world he hated. Reopened in modern times, the idol began releasing supernatural threats on a routine basis until it was finally crushed by the Alien Atlas.
Pandora's Box (Earth-3)
Debut: 2012
Nemesis: Pandora
Other Major Foes: Justice Leagues, A.R.G.U.S., John Constantine
Appearances: A few dozen comics?
Powers: Causes extreme manifestations of the seven deadly sins in people within close proximity. Dimensional gateway to Earth-3.
Bio: Planted on our world from an opposing dimension of evil, this pseudo-equivalent to a Mother Box caused great hardship on Earth for millennia. It was destroyed by the Outsider to bring forth the Crime Syndicate.
Idol Speculation:
Pandora's Box was a highly sought after artifact, but technically, somebody has to find it and carry it around for it to do anything. The Diabolu Idol-Head, through unrevealed means, traveled extensively throughout the world, evading the Sleuth from Outer Space for over a year. The Idol-Head could theoretically escape from any harm Pandora's Box could generate, and even in the absence of human agents, the Idol-Head could unleash a destructive force upon the box once or twice a month of its own volition. That, or Ultraman's pee melts the Idol-Head, though Pandora's Box would already be obliterated to facilitate his presence.
Okay, the Idol Head would take it as it has means to protect itself and avoid danger.
Diabolus in Musica Boxes: In what is officially the least interesting match ever, Will & I voted for The Diabolu Idol-Head to defeat the Pandora's Box of Earth-3, which had no supporters.
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