If the reader deciphered a secret code, they would learn about Darkseid. "He is from Apokolips. He is the son of Queen Heggra. Darkseid has two sons, the cruel Kalibak and the kind Orion. One of his greatest powers is the Omega Effect, the ability to shoot destructive blasts from his eyes. Darkseid wants to rule the universe. He is opposed by the New Gods, who live on New Genesis, and by the Total Justice team."
The book did not reveal anything about the tyrant Despero, and he was portrayed somewhat as a lackey to Darkseid.
These coloring book posts are going to take a lot of time to get through, so I'll try to double up posts with J'Onn J'Onzz news and links throughout the month. For instance, Comics Should Be Good asks if you can Name That Martian Manhunter Artist! It sure ain't easy...
I'm noticing too much of a similarity between Darkseid's brow and JLU J'onn J'onzz's brow...
I think he's furrowing. I don't recall the brow remaining that sharp. Don't forget that this Darkseid came first, either.
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