I was very pleased to see the Martian Manhunter appeared on nearly half of the 100 covers for this project, especially since a good percentage of them featured him prominently. However, eighteen covers starred solo heroes, most DC Trinity related, but the Manhunter from Mars managed one in a coup. At a glance, I see no such special consideration for Green Lantern, the Flash, or Aquaman, for instance.
Then again, what other single hero could be said to represent the entire team, especially if you throw in the Justice League Satellite? The knee jerk reaction would be that the Alien Atlas never operated out of the Satellite (aside from retcons,) and that Brad Meltzer's love of the Satellite Era representing J'onn J'onzz's 13 year absence from comics saw him ejected from the team for five years and counting. However, since the Manhunter's return to active duty was preceded by a Martian invasion of Earth that destroyed the satellite, I think there's a nod to be found there.
I really disliked Jeff Lemerie's work on the Atom, and was not kind in my assessment of it. I imagine I'd better quiet up, because there's no guarantee J'Onn will remain in Stormwatch after the departure of Paul Cornell. Lemerie's elevated profile with the sleeper success of Animal Man and seeming interest in the character here and a few other places could see him writing a Manhunter from Mars mini-series or ongoing at some point. I'd want him on our good side...
Hero's JLA 100 Project Friday
- The Atom & Aquaman by Mark Buckingham @ Power of the Atom
- JLA by Alex Ross @ Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman
- Zatanna by Chrissy Zullo @ Justice League Detroit
In late 2000, a consortium of comic publishers came up with the idea to create a financial safety net for comic creators, much in the same fashion that exists in almost any other trade from plumbing to pottery. By March of 2001, the federal government approved The Hero Initiative as a publicly supported not-for-profit corporation under section 501 (c) (3).
Since its inception, The Hero Initiative (Formerly known as A.C.T.O.R., A Commitment To Our Roots) has had the good fortune to grant over $400,000 to the comic book veterans who have paved the way for those in the industry today.
The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays' creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It's a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.
Please enjoy this gallery of ALL 104 original Justice League of America #50 Hero Initiative covers!
Hardcover and softcover versions of a book collecting all the covers will be available in December, 2011. AND all the originals will be auctioned off according to the following schedule:
• December 3, 2011, Meltdown Comics, Los Angeles, CA: Display of all 104 covers and auction of first one-third
• Jan. 20-22, 2012, Tate's Comics, Lauderhill, FL (Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area): Display of remaining covers and auction of second one-third.
• Feb. 17-19, 2012: Orlando MegaCon, Orlando, FL: Display and auction of final one-third.
All covers will be sold via LIVE AUCTION on-site at the venues above. If you cannot attend but wish to bid, proxy bidding is available.
Contact Joe Davidson at: yensid4disney@gmail.com
Deadlines for each grouping are below, and each cover carries a minimum bid of $100.
Special thanks to Firestorm Fan for the notice!
I haven't been blown away by him either, but that is one fine looking Manhunter. I would buy the shit out of such a book.
This is a great image, and I would love it if Lemerie would get a chance to work on J'Onn regularly.
I read Stormwatch 4 and will wait to share some opinions on it as it is late. Not much of J'Onn in it, but there were some things that I liked about him in it.
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