Episode #35

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On our newest episode and latest entry into a social media crossover, Best Event Ever 2018, Martian Manhunter traverses Heaven and Hell to confront the Faustian evil of Neron, the heretical arch-cherub Asmodel, and is introduced to the fallen angel Zauriel. We cover Underworld Unleashed #1-3 (1995,) Justice League Task Force #30, The Flash #127-129 (1999), Rogues Gallery, JLA #6-7 (1997), 35 (1999), & 60 (2002), and JLA: Paradise Lost, featuring creators including Mark Waid, Mark Millar, Christopher Priest, J.M. DeMatteis, Howard Porter, Angel Olivetti and more (one of whom has a brief cameo appearance here.) We also look at the 1995 card set SkyBox DC Villains: Dark Judgment and other related DC offerings.
1995 Skybox DC Villains: The Dark Judgment Trading Cards & Rogues Gallery
- The Idol-Head of Diabolu presents
- Brimstone by Joe Devito
- Darkseid by Joe Devito
- Darkseid by John K. Snyder
- Darkseid "Gathering of Evil" by Steve Stanley
- Doomsday by Joe Devito
- Doomsday "Gathering of Evil" by Steve Stanley
- Lobo by Simon Bisley
- Lord Havok by Tony Harris
- Mongul by Joe Devito
- Mongul by John Hanley
- Mongul "Gathering of Evil" by Steve Stanley
- Vandal Savage by Tony Harris
- Brimstone by Joe Devito
- DC Bloodlines presents
- Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman presents
- Power of the Atom presents
- Cosmic Treadmill ep. 109 - Underworld Unleashed #1 (1995)
- Being Carter Hall presents Shadow-Thief by John Van Fleet
- Diana Prince: Wonder Woman #19: The Cheetah Unleashed: Barbara Minerva in the Post-Crisis DC Universe
- Justice’s First Dawn Podcast - Extreme Justice 10 and 11
- JusticeTrek: The Podcast covers Justice League America #105 -- the Killer Elite!, R.E.B.E.L.S. '95 #13 -- Earthbound! & Justice League America #106
- Pop-Culture Palace covers The Ray #18: Monsters and The Ray #19
- I'm The Gun! presents Starman #13/Showcase '95 #12 and Underworld Unleashed #2
- The ’90s Revisited by Walt: Green Lantern #68 and Batman #525 and Superman the Man of Tomorrow #3 and Green Lantern #69 and Superboy #22 and Robin #23
- Resurrections-An Adam Warlock and Thanos Podcast offers Abyss: Hell’s Sentinel
- Relatively Geeky Presents brief looks at 27 of the Underworld Unleashed issues
- Between the Pages with a look at the "DC Villains: Dark Judgment" trading card set
We enjoy dialogue on the red planet, so here are our non-telepathic contact options:Glitter pens really threw me off my game, but here you go anyway. pic.twitter.com/iMiuVzPOSV
— Odell Abner Dracula (@DellDracula) September 19, 2018
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