I usually enjoy the work
CBR/Comics Should Be Good columnist Brian Cronin offers up, especially his weekly
Comic Legends Revealed, but he's running a new feature this month concerning lists of the
Top Five Most Iconic DC/Marvel Character's Covers that I find mighty disputable. For instance, his thirteenth spotlight shone on the
Top Five Most Iconic Martian Manhunter Covers, and speaking as something of a fan (*AHEM*), it's
Wizard Magazine caliber misguided.
Right off the bat, let's be honest now, Martian Manhunter is not an iconic character. Until the 1997 Grant Morrison
JLA revival, he rarely even popped up in analogues for the Justice League. Luke of
El Jacone's Comic Book Bunker and
Being Carter Hall recently made the wise observation,
"J'Onn's greatest strength is that he is more butter pecan than chocolate; he's offbeat but appreciable." So we've got an essentially anti-iconic character who, outside of Justice League stuff, tends to appear in little-read obscurities when he appears in a book at all. Pretty tough to make a case for any "iconic" covers, I'd figure.
Per Cronin's criteria, the iconic status is "determined mostly subjectively by what covers are called to mind when one thinks of Martian Manhunter, but first being determined with a prominent objective standard of whether a cover is homaged a lot or featured a lot in histories of the character). The notable exception is no covers from a character's first appearance (which isn't applicable to all characters, of course, just those who appeared on the cover of the comic they debuted in)!"
His choices:
Now, these are all nice covers, but with the possible exception of two are hardly "iconic" by any measure. The HoM cover was chosen pretty much at random to represent Joe Certa, and because it didn't feature the "idiotic" Zook. Regardless of it being the debut cover of his
third ongoing series (Detective and HoM both count as ongoing, so an "eponymous" disclaimer is necessary,) I hardly ever see the zero issue anywhere, and it virtually never comes to my mind (and I've thought about J'Onn J'Onzz most every day since 1999.) Cronin actually references
DC Comics Presents #28 as a contender, then awards an entirely random Starlin JLofA cover the top spot. The argument could be made this was Manhunter's first mano-a-mano with Despero, but they'd already fought twice before, and the story was fairly middling. Only the oft-seen
JLA #13 headshot and the first ever "team-up" issue of TB&TB could really rate as billed.
Now you may say to yourself, "hey, this was a challenging list to make, and easy to tear down. How would you have done better?" I'm glad you asked, as, based on Brian's criteria and disqualifying all of his choices, I'll offer my own briefly considered top ten alternatives...
Honorable Mentions:
Martian Manhunter Special #1 by Howard PorterNot heavily circulated, but Porter's first pass in his
JLA style, and memorable.
The Brave and The Bold #56 by Bernard Baily
The second Manhunter team-up, and a very striking cover.
10: DC Comics Presents # 27 by Jim StarlinA great cover to a book that introduced a lot of people to J'Onn in the 1980s after several years out of print, and the second fight with Superman. Speaks to J'Onn's overwhelming vulnerability despite his might, and his established role as jobber of the JLA. Good story, too.
9: House of Mystery # 143 by Joe CertaThe first ever cover solo-starring the Manhunter from Mars, and a great shot of Zook, his sidekick through most of the 1960s.
8: Justice League of America # 230 by Chuck Patton & Dick GiordanoFeatured in a couple of DC house ads in 1984 and one of the most dynamic Martian Manhunter covers ever.
7: Justice League of America # 71 by Dick Dillin & Syd ShoresA holy grail issue, featuring the extinction of Mars, the first appearance of Commander Blanx, and the start of our hero's decade-plus exile from Earth/regular publication.
6: The Brave and The Bold # 28 by Mike SekowskyOne of the best known and most imitated covers of all time, and through his role as a founding member of the JLofA, J'onn J'onzz solidified his place in DC history. Loses points for Manhunter's lack of prominence, but remember, this was his first ever appearance on a U.S. cover.
5: Justice League of America # 228 by Chuck Patton & Dick GiordanoMartian Manhunter's striking return to Earth, the League, and regular publication. Heralded the infamous Detroit era and the end of his Bronze Age existence.
4: Justice League America # 1 by Kevin Maguire and Terry AustinAmong the most imitated covers of all time, and assured Martian Manhunter's association with the JLI forever. Even his being minimized and off-center offers insight into the character's treatment for most of his existence.
3: World's Finest Comics # 212 by Nick CardyA classic and favorite of most every Martian Manhunter fan with memories of the 1970s. A key Bronze Age issue introducing Mars II, Bel Juz, and the character's decade long status quo. Revenge for every slight the character has ever been served. Best. Tagline. Ever!
2: JLA #1 by Howard Porter and John DellIf not for this book, there's a good chance we wouldn't be having this discussion, as J'Onn likely would be sharing space with forgotten also-rans of the '80s. More modern MM fans were created by this book than any other.
1: Martian Manhunter # 24 by Tom MandrakeProbably the single most beloved J'Onn J'Onzz cover of his entire existence. Crystallizes the difference between Manhunter and every other major DC super-hero. All the favored elements are there: slope brow... definitive costume... association with lesser lights... the cookies... the combination of awesome power, droll humor, and vulnerability. The only thing missing is tragedy, and yet, if you really try, you can project that on their as well.

Not necessarily my favorite covers (by a long shot,) but all seventeen combined should encompass pretty much every cover that could legitimately be designated iconic. Thanks to Comicvine for all those image, and I welcome your thoughts...