Welcome to the Idol-Head of Diabolu's entry in an inter-blog crossover event put together by The Irredeemable Shag of Once Upon a Geek! The gist of the matter is that a squadron of DC Universe-related bloggers are all offering posts today related to the George Pérez/Alex Ross collaboration on the 1998 Crisis On Infinite Earths Hardcover, which I covered here back in 2007. Shag's been hot to do something like this since he started Firestorm Fan, his blog dedicated to the Nuclear Man, and he even provided the following scans to grease the wheels. I used this opportunity to discuss the piece in detail regarding the individual members of Justice League Detroit, including Elongated Man, Zatanna, Vixen, Steel and Vibe. The remaining members are J'Onn J'Onzz and Gypsy, who I felt were more at home right here.
One thing that strikes me as odd about this collaboration is how often Pérez + Ross= Painted Jim Starlin. I always saw a lot of Starlin in Pérez acolyte Phil Jimenez as well, so maybe that's a quirk in my personal perception. Anyway, Gypsy is shown here in her classic costume, as designed by her co-creator Chuck Patton... and by "designed" I mean "overdosed on early MTV videos for Cyndi Lauper, Madonna and Stevie Nicks." Perhaps not the most successful super-heroine garb, but at least it was flamboyant enough to look like a costume. Her second outfit wouldn't have caused the batting of a single eye at a salsa club. I like Gypsy, and hope that one day she gets to dress like an actual super-heroine.
For more castaways on the Island of Misfit Metahumans, check out Doug's new Doom Patrol blog.
George Pérez is one of my favorite, if least regular, Martian Manhunter artists. Even though I burned out on Alex Ross' sober paintings, he's such a fine match for the sourpuss Sleuth from Outer Space that he rarely fails to impress on the character. Here, two great tastes that taste great together. Both artists also routinely deliver on J'Onn's pal and fellow Detroit veteran Aquaman, as you can see at Rob Kelly's The Aquaman Shrine.
Shag's got fellow Justice League member Firestorm covered, while Kelson follows the Flash at Speed Force. Luke's Being Carter Hall will handle Hawkman, while Adama's Dispatches from the Arrow Cave! takes aim at Green Arrow, and Rick wraps up Plastic Man. Even a pseudo/honorary member makes the rounds at Rob Kelly's I am the Phantom Stranger, the man also responsible for our logo. There's also a "red skies" crossover at Daniel Taylor's Elongated Man related "An Ear -- in the Fireplace!"
Rick's Mail it to Team-up completes the set, and he offers the following video "trailer" to persuade you...
One thing that strikes me as odd about this collaboration is how often Pérez + Ross= Painted Jim Starlin.
Wow. I never thought about that, but now that you mention it, I can't get it out of my head.
In any event, the Manhunter looks great in this painting! I like how he stands so tall over his neighbors, and looks like he could kick your ass nine ways to Sunday!
...Which is a major reason why I like Ross and especially Perez's take, Luke!
That bit about Gypsy's costume still has me laughing!
The Irredeemable Shag
hmm.. funny post :)
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
Wow, that's crazy man. They should really try to do something to fix that.
Wow, that's crazy man. They should really try to do something to fix that.
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