There were Manhunters before, after, and alongside J'onn J'onzz, published by DC Comics, other companies, and in other mediums entirely. "Manhunters Around The World" is where we'll cover all of these characters, as the subject comes up. We'll also take a look at the various characters that are, shall we say, "suspiciously similar" to the Martian Manhunter.
Above are covers from the 1930s pulp magazine "World Man Hunters," which bears no known relation to any of the comic versions, but is an early use of the term.
Man Hunt (1941)
Manhunters Around The World (Various, DC Comics, 1940s-1950s)
Paul Kirk (DC Comics, 1942)
Detective Comics #437, #438, #439
2009 Manhunter Paul Kirk by Chris Stevens
Starker: Manhunter 2070 (DC Comics, 1970)
Why does Starker do it?
Showcase #91, #92, #93
Mark Shaw (DC Comics, 1975)
1989 Mayfair Games DC Heroes Manhunter Character Card
John/Jon Starker (DC Comics, 1990)
Twilight Book I, Book II, Book III
Kate Spencer (DC Comics, 2004)
52/WW III Part Three: Hell Is For Heroes #1 (June, 2007)
Current as of 11/24/11
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